2007-11-09 03:06 PM
2007-11-10 09:37 PM
Dwight wrote:2 (unless he died.. might have?)
Users in Crabtree, NC = 1 ???
2007-11-10 09:44 PM
2007-11-10 11:08 PM
Rob wrote:Do you really want to break the heart of ADT shareholders?
I think the really interesting number would be a ratio of actively used/total shipped
2007-11-11 05:25 AM
Chazz wrote:I was saying that ArchiCAD is (and will keep on being) a niche product in the BIM/Virtual Building market. Because the BIM/VB market is growing from say 0.5% of CAD users until very recently to say 30 or 50% in the foreseeable future, Graphisoft is happily positioned as a niche product in an expanding market. Their share can only grow --say 2 or 3% of the cad market would represent a huge growth and loads of cash for R&D and Budapest parties relative to what they have now. The world has enough room for Apples and Microsofts, ArchiCADs and Revits.
What 30%-50% wants to migrate to that?