I was given the task of learning ArchiCAD. I have about 12 hours under my belt so we're talking a complete novice. I've drawn the first floor outline of my tester house. It has a curved wall at one point. How do I trim the curved wall (basically 25% of a circle) to my straight walls at either side of the arch?
Just do it. like you trim any wall to any other. It works fine. If one or the other of the walls are slanted it might get tricky in some view, but vertical walls usually work fine.
Unfortunately it sounds like I need to back up a step. I can draw wall segments or one chain of walls. I've half way figured out how to trim two walls that intersect in a giant x. I know there is functionality to do L junctions and T junctions. I'm sure there is a very straight forward trim wall function somewhere but I'm not finding it. Any suggestions on which tool bar or menu to look under for a simple trim function?
or you can always CMD-Click (or CTRL-click for windows) the segment of wall you want to trim - the cursor will from a white pair of scissors to black when you are over something you can trim