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Archicad 25 PLN file size jumped from 20MB to 5GB

Has anyone experienced this issue? I started my first v25 project from my own (rather clean and well maintained template - no missing / duplicate library parts, nothing embedded, no migrated libraries etc).

I spend couple of hours on the job, tracing an exploded PDF (no more than 500 elements, all lines, fills deleted etc).

I have drawn only walls, filled out project info, activated / positioned my survey point, story height and defined my sea level. When I went to save it took couple of minutes and I didn't notice until after that the file was syncing to my google drive at 5GB size.

I tried trimming all of the exploded PDF linework from the worksheet but that did not help. There are no unexpected libraries suddenly embeded. I want to do more troubleshooting but I have done so little to the file I cannot think what it could be.

I got around the issue by starting a new file and setting everything up once again. Copied all my walls and even copied the exploded PDF to a worksheet. Basically replicated the file and it saved at 20mb. See attached screenshot (right hand side is the new file, left hand is the original).

I am curious if this has happened to anyone as I cant afford to get too far into the project just to have it happen again.
ArchiCAD 10 - 25 | Windows 10
ARCHIcreate | Perth, Western Australia
archicad solutions | content creation | training | software implementation

Hi Barry,


Yes, the packages were available on the website before Check for Updates was enabled. We were waiting for some components before making it happened (but now it should notice you about the update). Yes, this update address the defect causing file size issue, so we strongly advise updating to this build as soon as possible if you are working on Archicad 25.


Thank you very much!

Best regards,


Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer

A colleague has experienced the same issue and a file of my own has just jumped from 100mb to 850mb in a single save from AC24 to AC25. No problems with AC25 files, only those saving from previous versions. We have sent a file to Graphisoft but only workaround seems to be copying everything into new AC25 file.

Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni



Thank you for the report and I am very sorry to hear about this!


The issue has been fixed in the first update for Archicad 25. In order to avoid this issue in the future, I strongly suggest updating to the latest build (which is 4013). Any files that increase significantly in size, please feel free to contact the local support for further investigation - I'm sure that if it is related to defect DEF-6049, then we will be able to fix it easily.


Thank you very much for your understanding!

Best regards,


Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer