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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Archicad for Linux

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I think the linux market share will grow in 2005.
I usually work with OpenOffice 1.9, Mozzila, Gaim, Skype, Oracle 10g, GIMP 2.1, Blender, Dia, ArcGIS 9.0 software that run on windows and linux,
I would like to work with a version of Archicad for linux,

Now we only have Building Information Modeling (BIM) software in linux:
- ARCAD 90, from - only in german i think
- BricsCad, (brings DWG to the LINUX community) beta version, from
and a old 2D Software - Microstation 95 for Linux
Does anybody know if there will be a linux version of archicad in 2005?

153 REPLIES 153
You might try installing it in Windows and copying the installed folder over. I remember that older ArchiCAD versions (e.g. 6.0 & 6.5) could run without installation, since all required dynamic link libraries (DLLs) are inside the main ArchiCAD folder.

I suspect problems with the hardware lock detection, though, since that needs Sentinel (6.x) or WIBU (8.x 9.x) software installed. You could try with a student version. I still have the student version of 7.0 which ran without lock (and with certain limitations).

The installer is Java-based, which is probably one of the main problems.

FWIW, BricsCAD Architecturals (based in IntelliCAD) is "ported" to Linux, but only through WINE.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
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well I don't think that is to difficult ot make AC linux version as macos is based on unix so is linux. I think the problem is that gtaphisoft has benefits from microsoft and apple as they make their usesrs to upgrade their software from one version to an other something like domino, If you buy AC9 u have to upgrade your OS to the latest version. Thats why we are never going to to see linux version. and dont forget as always u need a hardware upgrade for the next windows version as u needed for win xp.

Today linux is as easy as any other os and you have the ability to make your enviroment to look and operate like win or mcos. from the other hand I know many AC and users that dont know how to copy and paste folders or burning a cd so I dont think that changing the OS will be a problem for the users.

the only way to see a linux version is to make no more upgrades to newer AC versions until they release a Linux version and send them tons of mails them so they finally build a linux version.
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I believe it has been said before, but I will repeat it now anyway.

As I understand it, the main (only?) reason Graphisoft does not release a Linux version is the effort required to redo the interface. There may also be concerns about support cost, but this seems unlikely since most Linux users are pretty advanced operators (or are directly supported by some).

GS has limited development resources and presumably decided that the returns from a Linux version would not justify the expense.
Even though the MacOS is BSD-based, which is some kind of Unix dialect, the version of ArchiCAD is a Carbon application, which is a strange hybrid between an updated MacOS9 system and the newer OSX foundation.

Most cross-platform (Mac-Win) applications use these Carbon libraries for their MacOS-version. I think the best known examples are iTunes, Quicktime, MS Office, Photoshop and most other Adobe applications. None of them are Cocoa based (which is the more "native" kind of applications on OSX).

AFAIK, these Carbon libraries have no equivalent on Linux/*NIX.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
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redo the interface? how difficult is to make the interface? there are many people that could be hired to design the interface once and then you just have to tune it. even if it is expensive (i don't think that it would kill GS) its worth it to develop a linux version many people cant afford the next AC, WIN+hardware upgrades. and don't forget AC is becoming more known programm witch mean more profitable so why not develop a linux version? I don't think that its only the expense of developing otherwise why did they intergraded lightworks while most of AC users use artlantis or other rendering softwares witch are more easy to use than lightworks? the only reason that i demand linux version is that I don't want anymore to use microsoft products as they make us to upgrade almost every 2 year for no reason. in other ways I want to be free or at last have the ability to chose
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
syber wrote:
the only reason that i demand linux version is that I don't want anymore to use microsoft products as they make us to upgrade almost every 2 year for no reason. in other ways I want to be free or at last have the ability to chose
Then get yourself a Mac: you'll get the OS with the machine and you're not forced to upgrade all the time. I still run OS X 10.3 on my machine without any problems...

The only thing that's hard to do is NOT to upgrade when you see all the new stuff they implement in every new release of OS X!

Linux has no future in professional software. None of the big companies will ever port their stuff to Linux as there isn't a critical mass of users to justify such a cost. Plus, when Apple switches to Intel, OS X will get cracked and people will install it on every white-box PC... and Linux still can't come close to OS X regarding ease-of-use and features.
MBPro Retina 2.7i7/16GB/SSD
AC ...20/21
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
syber wrote:
the only reason that i demand linux version is that I don't want anymore to use microsoft products as they make us to upgrade almost every 2 year for no reason. in other ways I want to be free or at last have the ability to chose
Then get yourself a Mac: you'll get the OS with the machine and you're not forced to upgrade all the time. I still run OS X 10.3 on my machine without any problems...

The only thing that's hard to do is NOT to upgrade when you see all the new stuff they implement in every new release of OS X!

Linux has no future in professional software. None of the big companies will ever port their stuff to Linux as there isn't a critical mass of users to justify such a cost. Plus, when Apple switches to Intel, OS X will get cracked and people will install it on every white-box PC... and Linux still can't come close to OS X regarding ease-of-use and features.
MBPro Retina 2.7i7/16GB/SSD
AC ...20/21
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MarinRacic I hope you read my post carefully and the reason why macos is user friendly is because the interface (u can have the same interface on linux too) especially for general use. when it cames to more sofisticated stuff then it is like linux. We had a lot of problems with greek version of AC9 on OS X 10.3 so it is not so easy as it looks. mac today cost too much related to pc and u need to upgrade to 10.2/10.3 to use AC9 so u don't need jus the hardware but the software too. linux are free .
Linux is already used widely in proffesional use. The cg for Titanic (the movie) was created on linux systems, Renault F1 team use linux servers to make simulations on engine and aerodynamic design and almost half of the servers on the world use linux so the problem is not linux but the people "money".
I was wondering who much will cost to us when we will upgrade to AC that will require microsoft vista OS take a look to the system requirements microsoft windowsvista hardware I hope GS dont plan to use vista in near future

as for the cost of development well I dont think GS is a small company with a bunch of people that work day and night on developing the new version of AC and cant aford to hire few more linux people. GC is a company that is on market for 21 years and its peace on the market is growing.

PS.: Im not trying to compare linux with other OS I just wnat to have the abilitie to use AC on linux thats all folks 🙂
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well just a poll about if you would like to have a linux version for AC
well, this is a tough one. On one hand it would be nice to see AC expanding to free OS zone but on the other as PC user I do not want to see GS resources dragged away from this platform as I USE it every day and I am sure that adopting Linux within our profession would take ages - staff training, where should we get Linux IT-managers from? What about liability/ virus controls and ta-da ta-da. A lot of money to be spent + staff that can barely understand current OS (either Mac or Win).

Therefore I am not going to vote. Probably the answer would be more No than Yes with the current odds..