I have a question about the AutoSave function for ArchiCAD 14.
At my office... we work off of an office server. My ArchiCAD 14 program is runs off my Mac (local hard drive).
When I open the Data Safety & Integrity within the option of my Company Standards Scheme it shows me the (recommended) default location for an AutoSave Folder to be "Macintosh HD:Users:sawlor:Library:Application Support:Graphisoft". However, I've never seen any folder or files in this location on my Mac.
Also, when I crash (which I've just done) and re-open the file that crashed... sometimes I don't get any recovered file or an option to get the recovered file.
I say sometimes because I work from my Mac (not very often) and sometimes I work from the office server.
Am I crazy? Or is there a link between retrieving the files and where I am working from? What should the regular sequence of events be between crashing a file and opening the recovered file? Should I always be working from my Mac's hard drive and not the office server?