2024 Technology Preview Program:
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2022-01-13 12:52 AM
The links to. Certified Archicad Professional are either broken (404) or dysfunctional.
Broken (404)
Dysfunctional (no connection to a test, sign-up etc.)
Is there a working link to useful testing?
2022-01-18 02:56 PM
Both links work for me.
Try again now or try a different browser perhaps.
2022-01-19 02:42 AM - edited 2022-01-19 02:44 AM
I think my description was slightly incorrect - the first link works, but goes to a page holding four links, all of which do not work when tested in Chrome, Safari or Firefox (all latest versions) but instead return a 404 error.
The second link (albeit to a Spanish site page, with English text content) goes to a page that only contains a list of test content headings / sub-headings - no detail, and no onward links to a test. The '+' symbols graphically suggest that more content is contained under each, but they don't function as expected. If they do nothing, why are they there? From a UI design point-of-view they are misleading and redundant.
I have since found this page:
but no information on how to register as an examiner (requires a partner ID) - is this something our authorised reseller can assist with?
2022-01-20 03:22 PM
I see what you mean.
Those links on the first page do not work for me either.
I will let GS HQ know about it so they can fix it quickly.