Is it possible to change the order of a story?
When inserting a storey the upper stories increase in number. But there is no way to elevate the bottom storey...
Well, I tried but what happens is that stories get created downwards...
for example: I have a -1 story that I want it to become 0.
I create a story below -1, -2 gets created, I select -2 and click "insert above", then story -3 is created...
effectively when you select the lowest story and click "insert above" stories are created below...
the only way to achive this is to actually delete ALL storeys except the lowest one. Only then it gets numbered from -1 to 0. But in that case everything on the other storeys will be lost.
So the only way is to save as a new file, delete all storeys except the lowest one, and then merge with the original file.
Its the only way to actually elevate the lowest story up...
I don't believe it. I can move the zero story up and down like a yo-yo. No need to delete all stories either. Upload a file if you think you have a unique case.
But only if you start with 0 as the lowest storey.
Try creating a -1 story and name it "basement". There is no way to elevate that storey called "basement" to anything higher than -1. It can go down, but it wont go up.
The only way is to delete all storeys except that "basement", then it is numbered as 0
So you keep saying. I'm getting the feeling you're a glass-is-half-empty kinda guy.
I could make your basement story number 9999 or -9999 or anything in-between. And I believe you could too if you start pulling it up by deleting stories above it, rather than pushing it up by adding stories below it.
Keep at it, I'm sure you'll get it. Think positive!