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Complex Ramps

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Is there a way to make complex ramps? Someone was showing me on Revit how easy it was and when I tried to do the same thing on archiCad 12 I had no luck. Am I missing something or what? Please help. I have attached a file this post to show the type of ramp I want to design.

Looking at your PDF I am not certain what you are showing. Is this a plan view or a section through the ramp?

AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K
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ok-- i think i understand what you meet.. and no: its not possible

it should be possible with some add-ons "objective" or "archistair", anyway i dont have these add-ons, so maybe someone else can give you a hint.. revit seems a lot more flexible, of course archcad has some advantages too 😉

here is what you are looking for :


the ramp is at the end of the movie
I think it is easy enough, with the Mesh tool.
Well... you have to create all the nodes, and calculate the correct elevation. No automation, but not so dramatic.
And, if you nees it solid, later you can use the Mesh-to-roof add-on.

If I understand correctly your drawing, the only hard point is the top-right edge, where there is no landing (horizontal plane) in the "curve".

--Roberto Corona--
AC18 - ITA full on Win10
rocorona wrote:
, the only hard point is the top-right edge, where there is no landing (horizontal plane) in the "curve".
It is for "WipeOut."

One false move by a contestant and, VOOM: head first into the mud pit.

This year they added alligators because the audience is getting tired of only the one girl making it to the end of the four-bouncing-balls-on-a-stick challenge.
Dwight Atkinson