2005-09-07 04:22 PM
2005-09-07 04:39 PM
2005-09-07 04:55 PM
2005-09-07 05:12 PM
Rashid wrote:He's headed far away from civiilization... could be a while!!
Ok.. Where do I send the Check...? and when is the ArchCad 932 "Secrets" by Link book hitting the stands?
2005-09-07 06:24 PM
Link wrote:After coffee... note that the "1" is not required.
18/1 (which can be entered entirely on the numeric keypad). Remember the fraction is interpreted as inches.
18.5/1 (which can be entered entirely on the numeric keypad)
...before my morning coffee.
2005-09-07 07:25 PM
2005-09-07 07:30 PM