2015-08-18 04:50 PM
2015-08-19 03:57 AM
2015-08-19 04:25 AM
2015-08-19 04:53 AM
2015-08-19 09:46 PM
2015-08-20 05:45 AM
OBERMEYER wrote:Yes the placing of a detail will convert the 3D elements to 2D lines and fills.
Then a detail callout is placed in the section view and this generates a separate 2D view drawing of lines and hatches that are no longer part of the 3D element. This 2D view is where the Fill is generated with the Editable Fill Handle and the handle is way off center to the drawing. I'm thinking this is because the building material Fill Orientation was set to Relative to Project Origin.
OBERMEYER wrote:Yes these are the correct names.
Also note that now Fill Orientation option is no longer available in the 2D Detail view but Fill Construction Method options are available and they are Relative to Project, Relative to Element, Distorted Fill and Radial.