One of my colleagues is new to archiCAD and is having trouble editing selected elements that are in close proximity(or touching) to another - when he tries to edit a slab, for instance, it will select another object(wall, fill, window, slab, etc) instead of bringing up the pet pallette.
I thought I'd seen this problem on the forums previously but didn't read it as I've never had the problem.
He's working in AC 10.1183 on a iMac 4.1 2Gb Ram. on board 64Mb graphics.
I've seen on other forums (I think Djordje posted) that if the object type (i.e slab, all etc) is active it doesn't snap to other objects. This works, but seems cumbersome to have to activate and select all the time. I never have to do this.
I can't think of any setting that will affect the way AC selects objects... any ideas?
Mark RR