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Export Archicad to AutoCad

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Excuse me. i wanna something help me.
Is I drawing File Archicad hide Ceiling Area by Fill
i got Export to autocad but fill that i need hide become show all.

how to i can hide Fill ?

27-8-2556 14-04-57.png
Not applicable

Model View Options:
Look at the Model View Options (MVO) under the Document menu.
Once you have the fills hidden as you like, save this new Model View Option.
The key to understand is which type of fill did you use? Cover, Drafting, etc...
If your fill is part of a composite element (wall, roof ,slab ,etc) then that will be a cut fill.

Also create a special Layer Combination (LC) just for export, remove any layer with information you do not need for the export.
Save this LC.

Create a view with these settings. Name it "Export to DWG" or something easy to remember and reuse later.
By creating a new MVO, LC and View, you will speed up your future work.
Once you have all these settings correct, export from the view.

To get all your layouts to work correctly, create a new layout sheet - just like the old one - but with your new "Export" placed views.

Not applicable
To create an exact copy of a layout sheet:

To make this work, First - open a second copy of your file, make sure to check the "Launch a new instance of AC" option when opening the file.

Open Organizer from the Navigator Palette. Or from the Menu bar: >"Window" Menu, > Palettes, >Organizer.
Check/select the layout icons on both sides of the organizer. The left side is the copy project and the right side is your current working copy.
Now you can select any layout and copy it from the left to the right.
When done close the organizer and rename the new sheet to fit your needs.
Finally in this layout copy DO relink the views to the Export views and you will have a permanent solution for this export situation.

Depending on your version of AC the copied Layout will be positioned at the end of the layout listing, but maybe elsewhere, so look carefully before assuming it did not work.

Good luck.
Not applicable
Thank you so much.
i'll try again.

Mark, those replies were very helpful, THANKS!

When we work with our MEP consultants we typically send them a DWG file that we export from ArchiCAD. One of the issues we would deal with was that all of the raster images created by the translation process REALLY slowed down the use of the file on their end, so I had gotten used to opening up the DWG in AutoCad (LT 2004!) to purge the file of those raster images, as well as do the inevitable little bit of linework cleanup.

What you described for the model view eliminates a number of those raster images; in addition, I turned off the Save Extras option to convert labels to leaders and that eliminated the last of them. Good news!

However, when I do so, a label turns into a text box and a number of exploded lines... i am fine with the exploded lines but the text box always has a perimeter outline, and I cannot figure out what is controlling that and telling it to create one (none of the labels in my ArchiCAD file have the boundary on).

Do you (or anyone) know how this is controlled, and if there is a way to turn it off?


Bill Szustak RA

Principal, Springboard Design

ArchiCAD 25, macOS Ventura 13.4.1
Not applicable
You are quite welcome =D
As far as text box lines - dunno.

[EDIT] In my explanation of copying a layout sheet, there is no need to open another instance of AC, just "copy item" from the left to the right.