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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

FPCP with entire element option

Not applicable
Re-typing post.... somehow I was logged out during post

I opened a project this morning, and most of my saved views were
missing the doors and windows. Assumed it was the FPCP. I had not
changed FPCP for most of my views.

I re-opened the PLN without saving and the doors & windows appeared....
Almost all of them. Upon inspection I saw that the windows with a sill
height greater that the "mysterious" default of 3'-7 5/16" (Links calls it a
bug in discussion here ).
All walls have the show projection option set to "Entire Element".

So what did I do to get the view to show with respect to the FPCP. The
views displayed the windows above the FPCP in the past, I even have
print-outs the show the windows. How did I break this? Can it be fixed? If
my main template file has this mysterious default FPCP of 3'-7 5/16", am
I to worry? And again how to fix?

Thanks for any Help.

FPCP missing window.JPG
Dennis Lee
Just to be sure, Jay,
Is this where you are setting the FPCP settings? As opposed to the "document" pull down menu?
I think that's what Karl and Link were getting at.
ArchiCAD 25 & 24 USA
Windows 10 x64
Since ArchiCAD 9
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Your views seem spot on to me, Jay. Your settings in 'The Modified FPCP.jpg' shows your cut plane at 1' so it will cut the wall and any windows at one foot above the current story. It will then show anything up to 1' above the current story. So basically you have the cut plane and the 'show up to' plane exactly the same. Your 'show down to' plane is set to 5 feet above the story below.

Consequently it will only show things that:
1. Exist on the current story and
2. Exist between 5' above the story below and 1' above the current story.

It looks like your windows are about 2'-6" or 3' above the current story which is out of the range, which is why they are not seen.

As you are probably aware, like walls, windows have their own individual relationship with the FPCP. They can be set to one of the Projected methods (and then use the FPCP to determine their appearance) or set to Symbolic or Overhead (which does not use the FPCP to determine their appearance).

To fix your problem of not seeing the windows, you need to raise your FPCP. But to do that you'll need to raise your 'show up to' plane first. Keep in mind that the 'show up to' plane doesn't relate to windows within walls, just the walls themselves (and other building elements; columns, roofs, beams, etc). It's the height of the FPCP itself that determines the appearance of your windows.

It does take a while to get your head around this unusual methodology, but I'm sure once you do, you'll happily use the software the way GS intends it to be used. Here's hoping anyway!

Not applicable
The Modified FPCP.jpg was just a shot to show how it was that I did set
the FPCP for two of my views. Too many post are causing further
confusion and I am sorry. I am just trying to give information. The
Modified FPCP are for views that I DO NOT want any windows to show, so
that is why I modified them for these views. I also Modified the FPCP of
my Foundation view and that was it all of the other FPCP were never
opened or modified. The global FPCP was never modified from the start
either. The global FPCP was originally set the the same as the ArchiCAD
10 template.

I can only think that changing the few FPCP with some of my saved
views, somehow "jarred" the global FPCP. The floor plan views that
began missing windows were fine for most of the days working on the
project (I have prints that show the windows). So changing the FPCP in
some of the saved views and getting those views to display as I like,
seemed to upset the other views. I believe do to the original bug display
in the global FPCP.

As far as the windows above the FPCP in the floor plan views they are
now showing and this is not the problem (except wondering would it go
screwed up in the first place. how this was fixed was explained a few
posts back. Here is a Paste:
So I checked the "global" FPCP" under Documents. See screen shot.
original post was missing jpg, I will post again here I
changed the "show up to:" option to "Story(s) above" and changed offset
by it to 0".

This works but I may have Broken something else.

I opened a new file using my template and the global FPCP was set
with "show up to:" option to "Story(s) above" and offset by 0".

I do not know how this got changed in my current project file, which was
based on the template.

Opening up a new file using the ArchiCAD 10 Template.tpl and the global
FPCP is set also to 4' with "show up to:" option to "Story(s) above" and
offset by 0".

The views in the ArchiCAD 10 Template are still set to 3'-7 5/16" and the
"show up to:" option to "Current Story" and offset by 0".

So opening the global FPCP and changing the "show up to:" option
to "Story(s) above" and changed offset by it to 0" is what allowed the
very original window not displaying problem to be resolved. I never
changed the views FPCP ever, and as far as I can tell all is fixed on that issue. The latest issue with the FPCP is that they are not staying consistent within the same saved view. the previous screen shots are of the same saved view, first the windows are not seen on the Floor plan and then later clicking on the same view they now appear. I hope they behave when I go to print the job that is now 4 days overdue.
Not applicable
Dennis wrote:
Just to be sure, Jay,
Is this where you are setting the FPCP settings? As opposed to the "document" pull down menu?
I think that's what Karl and Link were getting at.
Yes, thanks for keeping my honest though. I hate working hard solving a Challenge and find out it was a easy solution.
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Jay wrote:
The global FPCP was never modified from the start either. The global FPCP was originally set the the same as the ArchiCAD 10 template.
But it is being modified. It modifies every time you activate a view with a different FPCP assigned to it. You've gotta think of it like layer combos. You can change the current (or 'global') layer combo through the layer dialog, but they are also assigned to views. Changing the current layer combo via the layer dialog doesn't affect saved views, but invoking a view does change the current layer combo.

It's the same with FPCPs.

Not applicable
Link wrote:
[But it is being modified. It modifies every time you activate a view with a different FPCP assigned to it.
So if at the beginning of a project all of your saved views have the same FPCP as the Global setting, and you have never even opened up the FPCP option within the view settings, are they default to the global settings.

If the Global setting is now changed, do all the previously unchanged and never edited FPCP's within the views stay the same as the Global value or do they now become different. It seems that the 'global' value as it is called is really just a default FPCP for new views placed in the view Map. If I place new views in the view map they show to have the current 'global' FPCP, if I do not change or even open the settings of those views but now change the 'Global' FPCP, the placed views do not match the new global value. I do not see where the global value comes into play except in when creating new views in the view map.

But this still does not answer the question as to why a saved view with its saved FPCP, would sometimes display a wall without the windows (assuming some very low or very high cut plane) and then at other times the same saved view with assumable the same saved FPCP will display the wall with the windows.

Also another point that I guess I am still unclear on, is the 'Show Projection:' pull-down in the wall settings. I have all the walls set to 'Entire Element'. The Help file states the following:

Show Projection on Floor Plan
The Show Projection pop-up provides options for how much of the element to display. This control is located on the Floor Plan & Section panel of the element’s Tool Settings dialog box.
• Entire Element (default setting): The element will be displayed on all relevant stories.

Note: “Entire element” is the only available projection option for simple straight walls or simple/complex columns which are set to “Symbolic Cut” in their Floor Plan display. Floor Plan Cut Plane settings do not affect the display of these elements.
However, you may prefer not to show the entire element. In this case, you have two other ways to set its display in the Show Projection pop-up:
• by Relative Floor Plan Range: Choose to show the element on a range of stories (the current story, plus a given number of stories above and below it, and an optional offset.)

If you choose this option, this element will be shown on the stories defined as the Relative Floor Plan Range (i.e. the number of stories on which to show this element in either direction) in Document > Floor Plan Cut Plane.
Note: In certain situations, the current Floor Plan Cut Plane and Relative Floor Plan Range settings may conflict:
1 The Cut Plane level may be outside the current Floor Plan Range (e.g. an extremely small story height as compared to the default Cut Plane level). In this case, the Cut Plane will be automatically relocated to the upper limit of the Floor Plan Range (or to its lower limit, if the Cut Plane would fall below the lower limit).

2 The lower Floor Plan Range limit may be higher than the upper limit. In this case, the lower limit will be considered as both the lower and upper limit of the Floor Plan Range (which will also equals the Cut Plane level, as described in (1) above.)

• by Absolute Display Limit: Set a fixed lower limit (by default, this is Project Zero), then show all parts of the element above this limit.

If you choose this option, then the Absolute Display Limit set in Document > Floor Plan Cut Plane determines this element’s lower display limit.
For more information, see “Floor Plan Cut Plane”.

It says that
Note: “Entire element” is the only available projection option for simple straight walls or simple/complex columns which are set to “Symbolic Cut” in their Floor Plan display. Floor Plan Cut Plane settings do not affect the display of these elements.

If my walls are set to “Entire element” the Symbolic Cut” in their Floor Plan display is grayed out. Either way the FPCP should not be effecting my Entire Element walls. Does not seem to be the case.