2022-01-24 09:42 PM
I have a bunch of 3-segment beams with complex profile segments, and I thought I would be able to check their profiles by Find-Selecting or scheduling but can't find how. Am I missing something or should it be a wish?
2022-01-25 08:40 AM
Hello Ignacio,
After having checked I am able to Find and Select beams with complex profile segments and I am able to check their complex profile by a right clic on one of them.
It will nevertheless be necessary to make sure to deactivate the groups otherwise the right click will concern the group of beams and not the complex beam profile.
2022-01-27 02:29 AM - edited 2022-01-27 09:13 AM
What I was trying to do is find-selecting beam (segments) with a given complex profile. I did find the way for scheduling segments, which is a good workaround for this purpose.
I am also now trying to find a way of getting their complex profile name into a label. I see I can label a segment, but can't find how to get it to show the segment's complex profile name. I'll check if Properties offers a workaround for that, but if anybody knows the answer already please comment.
[I am so happy that I found the way of labeling them, with autotext > General > Complex Profile.]