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GS clearly does not take the residential architect seriously

This is going to be a RANT. So if you are a full time GS apologist, you might want to move on.

This week I upgraded one of my dongles to AC 12, only one! For the majority of my last 15 years of using AC, I have used it on upper bracket residential projects. During that time I have purchased numerous 3rd party libraries for windows, doors, and furniture....because the AC library has had the same pieces of _ _ _ _ for the last 2000 years!!!

This while applications for significantly less money, mostly on the PC side - darn-it, have had features like cabinets that heal themselves when arranged in the plan, windows that actually don't have trim problems and are based on real US manufacturers, doors that don't have trim problems and are based on real US manufacturers, furniture that doesn't look like a kid with a crayon drew them, extrusions, lathes, and sweeps that can be rotated and adjust in 3D, like Objective can do. Obviously the objects should be location friendly, I don't mean to suggest every country should adopt the US objects as standard.....OK, done being politically correct.

I have personally been told by the GS CEO when v9 was out, that by issuance of v11 there would be a "new" and well sorted out library that would be "thoroughly" tested. BS.....I have v12, and I found problems with the windows after working with them less than 5 minutes.....see the attached image, so you know I'm not blowing smoke.

What the heck does it take for GS to build a decent library? Let me tell you, I will have to go kicking and screaming to Revit, but if thats what it takes to access a decent library, I will consider it. Currently you can't access anything on the Google 3D warehouse directly into AC12, and there is NO indication from GS when we will see the plug-in again, if at all. And if your on the Mac side, forget it, you don't have a prayer as the plug-in only worked on the Windows side of AC.

Obviously, if I have stuck with this program since v4.1 I think it is reasonably good. What I find inexcusable is GS willingness to keep putting out lousy standard library sets. In the world of BIM and Photorealistic renderings, GS should be providing a solid realistic library set.....they are not even close!!!!!

I have forwarded the bug to GS through tech support. I am shocked I found the bugs with the windows in less than 5 minutes of using the AC12. God knows what I will find when I dig in further with the doors.

For what I just spent on an upgrade, I am absolutely torqued at how lacking this library still is. The truth is, even 3rd party libraries are very limited - they hardly exist. Clearly GS has not been successful in getting buy-in from US manufacturers to create libraries the way AutoDesk has with Revit. While there are some very generous users out there that give away some very good objects ( THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU ) the majority of GDL objects available just are not realistic looking or don't stay current with AC.

I have suggested this before, and I will say it again. GS there are some really smart, good GDL gurus out there. Get off your wallet and hire these people to ONLY design objects or work with manufacturers of real Plumbing Fixtures, Light Fixtures, Doors, Windows, Furniture, etc....and pay them to test the objects thoroughly. I'm guessing a 1 million dollar investment in the libraries would yield something far superior to what you provide now....I guess 50 dollars might do that as well

.....hey Mr. Gallello - you getting any of this?
Robert Mariani
MARIANI design studio, PLLC
Architecture / Architectural Photography

Mac OSX 13.1
AC 24 / 25 / 26
123 REPLIES 123
I for one would like to have a number of smaller library fixes rather than one or two large ones. We are told that GS knows about various issues and is working on them. This is GREAT... it really is. However, while they are working on various fixes, presumably to multiple parts based on reports seen here in the forum, we are stuck with non-functioning objects that fail to fill our needs. Surely by now GS have fixed the issues with some of these parts. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE won't you release those that are fixed now so we can at least have some minor improvement in the libraries? We promise that we will understand that such a minor release will not fix them all. The list of fixes is in the release notes anyway right?

AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K
Not applicable
Erich wrote:
Surely by now GS have fixed the issues with some of these parts. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE won't you release those that are fixed now so we can at least have some minor improvement in the libraries?
Thats why I think an "ArchiCAD Web Library" is the way...
The fixes are available in real time for all users...
rm wrote:
Next week GS is holding a meeting with its distributers, I believe Budapest.
Lets hope they at least read this thread...
Not applicable
Once again, I implore all to think long and hard about GS holding all the cards.
This (GS holding all the library parts in a vault on their servers), could be the poison pill that kills the right to have a non-subscription program.
Not applicable
This thread has gone off topic for too long. Please start a new topic for the discussion of libraries.

Djordje, can you split this out?
Matthew wrote:
This thread has gone off topic for too long. Please start a new topic for the discussion of libraries.

Djordje, can you split this out?
Matthew, as I am the person who started this thread, I agree it has gone off topic at times. However, this thread was started specifically about the weakness of the libraries.

I don't get why you would even ask to have the moderator start a new topic on libraries.

You know, you do have the choice not to read it over and over.....just a thought.
Robert Mariani
MARIANI design studio, PLLC
Architecture / Architectural Photography

Mac OSX 13.1
AC 24 / 25 / 26
Not applicable
rm wrote:
Matthew wrote:
This thread has gone off topic for too long. Please start a new topic for the discussion of libraries.

Djordje, can you split this out?
Matthew, as I am the person who started this thread, I agree it has gone off topic at times. However, this thread was started specifically about the weakness of the libraries.

I don't get why you would even ask to have the moderator start a new topic on libraries.

You know, you do have the choice not to read it over and over.....just a thought.
Sorry, I just thought it was getting a bit rambling and off course. If it is still of value as is then by all means carry on.
I did think of splitting the topic up, as it does not really have much to do with the original title recently. However, it is not only the residential architect (non existent outside of US AFAIK) that suffers the inadequacy of the libraries as they are - so the topic stays as one. Robert started it as his particular rant, that a lot of other people have chimed in, and it has covered a lot of valuable ground - including the sad demise of the GDL Technologies, GDL Central, and other GDL related stuff.

The great work by Onuma for example, or the great wizard DNC, shows that GDL is - to quote Jobs (?) - insanely great when put to good use describing REAL WORLD stuff, not only generic entities.

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
Hi Djordje
You got me curious.
Who or what is or was DNC?
Bier wrote:
Hi Djordje
You got me curious.
Who or what is or was DNC?
David Nicholson Cole, the author of the GDL Cook Book, the person behind ArchiCAD summer school, the promoter of the ArchiCAD Winter school, ArchiCAD sailing, ArchiCAD and GDL whatever ...

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
"GDL Whatever..." ?
Well then, how about GDL moon rides?
Sign me up!
Oh well, maybe that's best left to the
next generation.
Now I'm sorry I did not clue into the obvious:-(