I agree that the wishlist forums are out of control with duplicates and lack of organization. There are so many wishes there, I cannot imagine moderating/merging them even if the forum software allowed merging of poll data.
Still, there are several things to keep in mind. First, no wish has received enough 'votes' to be truly meaningful IMHO. Sure, a lot have scores very close to 5, but with total votes of 20 or so out of hundreds of thousands of users. Even the Stairmaker wish, which I think everyone would agree with, only has 89 votes. Insignificant statistically, particularly since the votes are not a random sample of all users, but a self-selected sample of people with accounts on this forum.
I like the idea of picking some of the top wishes and sampling users to see what their priorities are. For all we know, Graphisoft's marketing department already does this and none of us discussing this have been in the marketing sample.
In any case, the idea of picking the top "x" wishes and expecting Graphisoft to deliver them is naive. Each wish has a cost in resources as well as a place where it fits most appropriately in their long-term development and marketing timeline (which is of course proprietary). For example, if there is a plan to change some major underlying technology, it would make no sense to spend a lot of resources adding a feature which would then have to be completely reprogrammed after the technology change.
Even announcing why a most-asked-for wish would not be implemented could reveal future product plans.
I don't want to nip this discussion, only to say that I really don't think it will lead to anything. As Akos Pfemeter stated below, Graphisoft does indeed read and listen to everything that happens here. We should have confidence that they are making the best choices for new features based on their planning process and resources. (If we lack that confidence, it doesn't matter - its their company.) There is no reason for them not to do their best with the resources they have to satisfy both existing and new customers - and, from time to time, even to delight us.
AC 28 USA and earlier • macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB