2005-03-15 04:03 AM
2005-10-18 03:42 AM
~/archiben wrote:Huh? Am I missing something?
sounds more like it was written by BDC to me . . .
2005-10-18 05:58 PM
TomWaltz wrote:Tom,~/archiben wrote:Huh? Am I missing something?
sounds more like it was written by BDC to me . . .
2005-10-19 05:50 PM
2005-10-19 08:53 PM
lol...Cole if yall thinq Walmart aan Mobilee homes is yer notishun of arkeytecture GOD bless......as a true arkie-tect living and working for a large general contractor just miles from the center of Wallyworld I'm afraid I might resemble this remark!
'Real builders/contractors' especially in residential tend to be happiest without drawingsMy experience with "real builders" on the other end of the spectrum is they want everything detailed down to the last screw and signed off by Thee Owner in triplicate. Then when the price come in over the "budget" (established by dreamworks™)........they will then tell you how everything can be done better, cheaper, and faster if you would just redraw everything ......... in a week......for no extra cost.
2005-10-20 03:49 AM
2005-10-20 05:37 AM
BDC wrote:Funny, thats the most intelligent thing I've heard from you. Problem is, you don't get it...thats what Building Information Modeling/Virtual Building is all about! A model is not just a model, its a collection of living data that constantly changes from the inception of the design throughout the life of the building.
the fact its not just the model...but the dynamic data at the different stages..HTH
2005-10-20 06:10 AM
Scott wrote:Hey Scott,get a real job on site or in a building company....LOL living data...BDC wrote:A model is not just a model, its a collection of living data that constantly changes from the inception of the design throughout the life of the building.
the fact its not just the model...but the dynamic data at the different stages..HTH