Hi Peter,
"Invalid polygon, self-intersection, or hole intersects boundary. (M01)"
That's the dialog I see when opening a 3D view. "M01" is the user ID of my mesh.
I also get an error "Internal error occured in the OpenGL 3D engine." report in the little 3D window report window.
We try to do a lot with our meshes - and like to apply lots of user ridges to mark pathways, roads, and etc on the ground surface. However, sometimes it seems when a hole is cut in the mesh, something goes awry and it loses integrity.
Usually you can click right through the "invalid plygon" error message - but it is not an infrequent occurance that with continuing editing all of a sudden ALL the mesh data (ridges & points) will disappear so when possible we like to fix the problem early. However - with a large-ish landscape I have neither the time nor patience to manually check each of several thousand nodes!