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How to open an old .PLN ( 7.0) if I have archicad 13

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Subject, i might add that i saw on graphisoft in downloads - converters, but there was written that they are for versions: 10, 9, 8. How can I open version 7 document possessing archicad 13.

Thank you for your answers

P.S. I'm sorry for my bad English.
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Download one of those. I would use 9. It can read back beyond 7, and it still has plotmaker if you need to get at the .lay or .pmk files.
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It does exist a free and Official ArchiCAD file converter here
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I downloaded and how to use it? I'm opening acad.exe and he writes smth like - run in demo mode. Without saving the project. I'm using windows 7.
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File converter need a wibu or a codemeter key to works in "full" mode.
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Even in windows 7? cause i read product compability there is written that windows 7 compatible only with archicad version 13 and above. So when i download, for instance, archicad INT 10 converter it is obvious that it won't work.

Or maybe i'm doing smth wrong? Maybe i need to copy that folder into archicad 13 directory? I dunno what to do.

P.S. i have a wibu.
AC 10, AC 9 even - runs (runs - does not mean install) on win7 (even 64bit) without problems (10 for sure - 9 - "shouts" that is not compatible - but runs - I just checked if they run - since I switched to codemeter - I cannot run AC 9 for obvious reason).

What to do:
Just extract the converter package to any directory - if being tidy - You can extract them to Program Files\Graphisoft, than run Archicad.exe inside the extracted directory - You may as well make a shortcut for it.

Best Regards,
There is a particular way to install AC9 on Win7 - you probably don't need XP-mode. I have win7 x64 and it works perfectly fine with the exception that 3D in OpenGL mode has issues.
Piotr wrote:
Just extract the converter package to any directory - if being tidy - You can extract them to Program Files\Graphisoft, than run Archicad.exe inside the extracted directory - You may as well make a shortcut for it.
Just one thing to note:

All 32-bit programs on 64-bit Windows are installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\ as opposed to C:\Program Files\
= v i s t a s p =
bT Square Peg
| AC INT | Win11 | Ryzen 5700 | 32 GB | RTX 3050 |
vistasp wrote:
Just one thing to note:
All 32-bit programs on 64-bit Windows are installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\ as opposed to C:\Program Files\
It is just cosmetic for user to know what type of program is installed, does not affect the running or not the software.
I copied all AC prior 13 to "Program Files" so that the opening 12 and lower AC projects on 32 or 64 bit OS will not cause problems when working cross platform (32/64 bit win) - as it will otherwise.

Best Regards,
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Installed archicad 9, and then archicad 13 both. When I installed archicad 13 it suggested to convert my files automatically. It worked. But I still keep both versions 😃 thank you very much. I'm an archicad newbie, so sorry for lame questions.

And thank you again!