You can ask your surveyor for the DTM file or Data file of points. This often comes over as an ASCI file that you can save as a TXT file in MS Excel. This file is usually X,Y, Z and code format, which is perfect for importing into ArchiTerra. Be careful to find out if the data is coming as x,y or as y,x. It is usually Y,X (Northern,Easting) format.
Some surveyors do not like to release the FULL data file. But after they have produced the topography and poly lines depicting the "Data File", they can with AutoCAD (I have heard) create a new data file just from there Contour Polylines. This file in TXT format can then be imported in to ArchiTerra.
I have also been told that a DXF file of the survey can be directly imported into ArchiTerra, but I have not done this yet.