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Looped Sculpture

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Hello! I'm Larry, MArch student in Hong Kong, and is new registered member. I worked with ArchiCAD+art-lantis for several yrs. There is no support for ArchiCAD user in HK most of the renderer is using 3D Studio + AutoCAD.

I have a problem now. I don't know how to draw such LOOPED Cylinder sulpture. The diameter of tube is around 300mm. I only know to create a horizontal tube by using proflier but it cannot bend the tube upwards by 90 degree. Could anyone teach me? THX a lot.

IMG_0289 small.JPG
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I couldn't resist this one.

Attached is a simple library part for the sculpture.

It is very basic. I haven't tweaked the code for ease of use. It is placed by it's center elevation (not the bottom), but it is stretchy with a parameter for the radius.

Please feel free to use/study/modify it as you wish.
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Hi Matthew, nice work, but not sure if Larry can open it because it seems he has AC7.
I have a free object that allows to do that, just by moving some hotspots, in 3D view.
Unfortunately it is for AC8.
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Olivier wrote:
Hi Matthew, nice work, but not sure if Larry can open it because it seems he has AC7.
I have a free object that allows to do that, just by moving some hotspots, in 3D view.
Unfortunately it is for AC8.
Oops. Sorry about that. I didn't look at the signature. I don't have time to open AC7 to make a compatible one, but you could copy/paste the code using a text editor. There is only one parameter to set up which is named tube_radius

In fact, why don't I just paste the code here...

ht = (zzyzx - 2*tube_radius)*0.5
wd = SQR(A^2 + B^2)
angle = ATN(0.5)

x1 = A*0.5*COS(angle)
x2 = wd - x1
y1 = x1*0.5

rotz angle

TUBE 2, 8, 111,
0, 0, 901,
tube_radius, 360, 4001,

0, 0, -1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, ht, 0,
x1, y1, ht, 0,
x2, -y1, ht, 0,
wd, 0, ht, 0,
wd, 0, 0, 0,
wd, 0, -1, 0

mul 1, -1, -1

TUBE 2, 8, 111,
0, 0, 901,
tube_radius, 360, 4001,

0, 0, -1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, ht, 0,
x1, y1, ht, 0,
x2, -y1, ht, 0,
wd, 0, ht, 0,
wd, 0, 0, 0,
wd, 0, -1, 0
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Matthew & Olivier,

Thank you so much!. Actually, I have AC8 and such sculpture's library object is OK. In fact I afraid of the different layout of palettes inAC8 (the square infox box is very large). I will try AC8 from right now.

PS. I learn some GDL concept before, could you suggest some book which is good for beginner. I always find AC is difficult to draw irregular or curvical surface (like NOX's work), so I always concern whether I should learn Form Z or 3D studio viz...