I use MEP modeller to create hydronic layouts like these. First thing to do is to draw out the layout using polylines. Spacing must follow the calculated design. (In addition to being an Architectural Technologist I am also a licensed Mechanical designer). The with the correct parameters set (radii of pipe elbows, size etc) I use the MEP Routing dialog [Start Routing] and use the magic wand to over the polylines to model the room layout. This is repeated for each room or space.
In all it takes me about 2.5 hrs to model an average 2500 sq ft house, including the basement. The resulting axonometric drawing provides an interesting way to detail the design.
Intel i7-6700@3.4GHz 16g
GeForce GTX 745 4g HP Pavilion 25xw
Windows 10 Archicad 26 USA Full