RUMOR: Apple Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard to ship January 2007 and feature collaborative documents
Friday, June 09, 2006 - 12:52 AM EDT
"Since Apple announced Leopard last year during WWDC, MacOSXRumors obtained reports on two major features in the next release of Mac OS X. The first is a redesigned Finder making extensive use of Spotlight and the second is the inclusion [of] virtualization software. Recently sources have been indicating that Leopard will feature easy collaborative work throughout the OS," Alexandros Roussos reports for MacOSXRumors. "The main idea is that it will be possible to declare a document as available for collaborative use over a network or Internet. Users who want to work on this document will be able to connect and work simultaneously on it. Modifications made by each user will be updated in real time for all connected users."
"MacOSXRumors has also obtained what could be precise information about release timeframe of Mac OS X Leopard and iWork ‘07. Both of them will probably be released in January 2007, during the annual MacWorld SF opening," Roussos reports.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB AC28 US/INT -> AC08
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