2006-08-13 05:32 PM
2006-08-13 05:54 PM
March, wrote:Your frustration shows ...
Since ArchiCAD 10 is unavailable for any shipping Macs we have effectively lost mac support...
ArchiCAD is currently a WINDOWS ONLY application that offers a legacy Mac version...
We were promised Wintel by July where I am located...
I am still struggling with rosetta issues & have given up on the MacTel beta - it has been costly & exasperasting...
If I'm going to suffer windows I can/will likely get autocad & be able to actually hire people easily & sub out work - expanding my practice beyond the 'studio' scenario...
Has anyone been wondering how this 'Mac last' culture at GS might be fixed ?
2006-08-13 06:16 PM
2006-08-13 06:20 PM
2006-08-13 06:29 PM
2006-08-13 07:15 PM
2006-08-13 08:28 PM
2006-08-13 08:47 PM
2006-08-13 08:55 PM