Yeah we have that - its always up to date with the latest C4D version. Only useful for rendering workflow though. Maxonform is the C4D modeling interface for AC. If only Maxon were responsible for Maxonform..
I'm refering to the Maxonform Plugin (~AU$180) which allows the use of your Cinema4D application rather than buying the Maxonform Add-On (C4D 'Lite' ~AU$850 from memory). GS had based Maxonform (Add-On & Plugin) on C4D R9.5 and never updated it to be R10 compatible.
They have finally updated it to work on AC10/11 but it is still based on R9.5 ... R10.5 is now with us. GS announced an update to the Plugin to make it compatible with R10 available by the beginning of Sept. Who knows when it will be ready given they only just released the AC10/11 updates.
We really want to upgrade to R10.5 for a number of reasons (e.g C4D file XRefs, DWG Import) - but GS performance to date on Maxonform gives me no confidence it will be supported (well maybe by the time we have C4D R12)
I look forward to being pleasantly surprised though
Owen Sharp
Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp
iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5