Geoff wrote:
Autodesk certainly is not going to do it. Nor is Google. But Graphisoft had better do it themselves, and quickly. You’ve seen how much stuff is at Google Warehouse. And look how Autodesk Seek is filing up with manufacturer content.
The way Revit Families are created should not be the determinant. Underneath that UI is code, with parameters driving geometry and attributes, just like (but much more basic than) GDL.
I think a large part of Graphisoft's problem in this issue is somewhat two-fold. i.e it's primarily a question of Accessibility and Consolidation.
And on both counts it's self-inflicted, thanks to what seems to be their apparent overall marketing strategy and long term goals for the program.
On Accessibility:
It's been harped on ad infinitum, on these boards and particularly in the Wishlist sections regarding just how the whole GDL-coding methodology of creating Custom parametric objects in ArchiCAD is a major massive road-block allowing users to create customized libraries of intelligent objects which can even be shared or sold, so I won't beat a dead horse, especially if GS themselves don't seem overly concerned to correct this anytime soon or at all.
Other than to point out that, if I'm a parts manufacturer or a supplier for example seeking to provide digital content or a high quality (read : fully parametric) 3D model library or catalog of my products and have to hire specialists to model the parts (windows, doors, moldings, railings etc), on the one hand highly skilled Google Sketchup modelers are a dime a dozen thanks to just how accessible (easy to learn) and ubiquitous the program is thanks to Google. And while Revit may not be as easy to learn or master, it's certainly easier to create custom parametric objects in it than in ArchiCAD, and it basically boils down to the availability of modelers - something that Autodesk's aggressive marketing strategy is taking care of. Even custom quasi-parametric (read dynamic blocks) AutoCAD and ADT objects are more accessible thanks in part to AutoCAD's relatively more straightforward dynamic block creation interface, and we all know finding skilled AutoCAD users (even AutoCAD 3D modelers) is not a problem.
On the other hand, if I'm a manufacturer looking for skilled ArchiCAD object modelers - and I don't mean objects in the sense of 'dead' non-parametric 'slabified' objects, but fully parametric in much the same way a lot of the native library content is - which basically means GDL coders or at least fully proficient GDL-knowledgeable modelers, then things aren't as easy. At this point it becomes a question of cost - as in whether it's even worth it to provide such designer-specific 'smart' content to an apparent or seeming "niche" customer base.
On Consolidation:
This actually ties back to Accessibility, in the sense of how do you get your digital content (or provide access to it) to your potential future customer, once you have a library or catalog set-up of your products. While the 3D object repository they have here is decent and serviceable enough, for casual or infrequent users, it certainly lacks the organization, integration and interface necessary to allow both professional object creators and parts manufacturers as well as skilled freelancers to use it as a conduit to provide content to AC users. To compare it to what's out there in terms of consolidated and accessible online digital content, on the one hand you have Sketchup's Google Warehouse directly accessible from the program itself and an ever growing library with a wide range of objects and models. And then you have Autodesk's i-drop system which is a no-frills, no-fuss interface that parts manufacturer can integrate into their websites to allow AutoCAD, Revit and ADT users to directly drop 3D objects directly into their project files without having to worry about units, scale, whether it will work or not, or polycount.
Like I said before these problems are largely of GS's own creation or are self inflicted by their apparent apathy to address user bread and butter concerns. Custom object creation aside, assuming they were even able to provide that much requested 'holy-grail' Visual, No-GDL necessary custom parametric object creation tool that users have been craving since version who-knows-when, and even assuming manufacturers were able to benefit from this in providing their content in digital and parametric native ArchiCAD object format, how would they be able to get these objects to users in a either consolidated manner or at least accessible. With the object repository here on the forum being the closest thing to a Google Warehouse type system, and with GS's detached, arm's-length, 'we-don't-really-want-to-be-involved' involvement with this forum and it's users, how would any of this ever come together, if at all?
You ignore the small problems (and small users, and small user concerns) to chase bigger things, and it eventually comes to bite you in the butt in a big way down the road. Funny how these things work.