Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2011-02-24 01:58 PM
2011-02-24 05:56 PM
2011-02-24 06:52 PM
2011-02-24 11:06 PM
2011-02-25 04:08 AM
Matthew wrote:This is now the standard practice here. I rolled it out about 6 months ago and it works quite well. For most projects we have just one 'module' file, with a pre-set stories assigned to individual floor plates, unit plans, cores, etc, and one 'master' file.
There is a third way which is to create a master story structure that includes the stories of all the buildings and is used in all the files. It can be quite cumbersome, and having multiple, unused stories in each building model file can create difficulties with elements (particularly library parts) that display on multiple stories.
I am not necessarily recommending this approach and have used it only rarely myself but it does have some advantages. Mainly it simplifies the linking and updating in the overall site model and will preserve inter-story SEO relationships.
To make it work requires careful naming and organization of the stories with each story name including both building and story references (ie BLDG-A L1, BLDG-C L4, etc)....
2011-02-25 01:12 PM
zeropointreference wrote:You could try the Floor Plan Cut Plane feature. You can create as many Views as you need and assign different FPCP settings to each. Objects may be the most difficult to control with this approach.
This is something I've wondered. I drew a castle like building once for my amusement, but I drew it all one one floor because I did it in 3D and didn't worry about dividing it up. Since I had done it that way, I wondered if there was a way of doing horizontal sections to simulate 2D "stories" so I could actually map the castle out. I don't think there is, that's why I never asked, maybe there is? Is there?
2011-02-25 03:38 PM
2011-02-25 10:47 PM
zeropointreference wrote:My comment was based on these threads:
You were saying objects might be difficult to control, how come? Is it because of everything being on the same floor?
2011-03-14 07:39 PM
2011-03-15 04:06 AM
archislave wrote:Sometimes it seems that after 2500 years we still don't have
Wow! It is kind of sad after 25 years of development and BIM hype we still don't have an app that understands architecture...