I tried the following procedure and it seems to work in 2D and 3D.
Place a D1 door (no masonry opening) with the following parameters.
No trim, jamb thickness=wall thickness=OFF, jamb dimensions are
2" wide, 4" thick, and strike side over-size=2".
To fill in strike side gap between jamb and wall hole,
use the "Cube" object in the basic shapes folder set to
2"x4"x6'-10" high. To hide the joint between the jamb and the
cube object in 3D, use the "Cylinder" object in the basic shapes folder
with the radius set to 1/64" and the height set to 6'-10".
Place the Cylinder at the joint and so that about one third of it's diameter
sticks out beyond the plane of the jamb and cube surface.
To hide the joint in 2D draw a white line over the joint line.
Peter Devlin