When you figure that one out let me know. I think it is a combination of ID (attribute manager). whether the line is symbolic or not and alphabetical. Be careful with changing the ID's and names, since it could effect the default appearance of some library parts. My recommendation is to always start with the default set of archicad lines and append additional line types using attribute manager. This of course does not solve your desire to adjust their location in the drop down screen. When I create new line, fills or materials that I want to push to the front of the list I often insert a space before the name which pushes them to the top alphabetically.
Thanks for the reply , I will try your suggestion
organization seems like a simple thing but I can see how it
can get complicated depending on how the program is set up.
Linetypes are stored firstly by their category: Solid, Dashed, Symbol (and you can see these divided in the drop down list), then they are organized by ID number (as per the Attribute Manager).
Like Mike said, be very careful changing these. In fact I too never change the standard linetypes, but only add to them. It can wreak havoc on your library parts.