Working on a subdivision. Is there a way to flip the drawings in plotmaker (hoping the text will auto adjust) so that I don't have to create a flipped version of floor plan / elevations, etc in archicad. The mirror option is greyed out in plotmaker when I select the drawing. I have thought about this and searched threads but have found no answer. I need you' all's help.
I couldn't do it either unless I broke the link. Not that I would recommend that. It would only take a few minutes to open a new archicad file, import a hot linked module, flip and save. Then link the plotmaker to that file. You are only going to get the plans though, the elevations will only show modeled elements.
I just do a save as under a new name and show all layers and mirror all stories by a center point. Only takes a few minutes. Do a save as in PM also and link to mirrored .pln. This way all elevations flip also.