ArchiCAD/Plotmaker Workflow:
In creating a Plotmaker [ArchiCAD's drawing layout tool- a separate program] "template," you build a workflow control to automatically take your archicad model and extract the relevant views into prearranged drawing sheet layouts - no more pasting-up.
Consider your building type: buildings of roughly the same size and construction type requiring the same drawings. What if you had an ArchiCAD/Plotmaker template organized with your favorite materials, elements and favorites all ready to go within an environment of layer sets, stories and views already linked to Plotmaker sheets in a workbook? Wouldn't this shiver your timbers?
One makes this template from an existing project, being careful to formally describe all of the standard elements. Subsequent project are merelyradical edits of the first, relying on links established the first time - you are simply replacing and editing defined data within a view and data management strategy, not creating anything truly "new".
An example of how this works and what makes ArchiCAD powerful is that any change made in the ArchiCAD model can be immediately reflected in all related construction documents assembled in Plotmaker,[where all of your construction notes might still reside from last time].
It's alive!!!
And if you are wondering what Plotmaker is after a two day seminar, you are being poorly serviced, since Plotmaker [motto:"It's a plot!"] is the keystone of ArchiCAD construction document productivity.
True Framing:
ArchiCAD can do true framing - just a bit tricky - you'd want to consider an Add-on called Frameworks for post and beam structures, altho stud framing is easy to emulate.
ArchiCAD 9 has highly customizable commands.
While many things can be designed in the composite structure dialog- a 2D trick, you might be best served to place your outsulation as a duplicate roof plane if it needs to show in a rendering.
There was a lot in your post - hope this helped.
Dwight Atkinson