2008-10-02 03:56 AM
2008-10-04 06:01 AM
Braza wrote:Yeah ... a Corvette spare tyre fits any Chevy truck, right? Both are Chevy?
Of course Revit will export dwg better... Its an AutoDesk SW...
2008-10-04 09:31 AM
TomWaltz wrote:
By that logic, shouldn't Archicad be able to read Vectorworks?
2008-10-04 12:42 PM
2008-10-06 03:38 AM
Braza wrote:i think only autocad can only dwg correctly,
Hey guys come on...
Didn't you see the wink?!...
I meant that a company like AutoDesk and its policy wouldn't buy another software and make it stand alone...
Edit: And besides this I was talking aboutbetterdwg export.
Anyway... Sorry for my potentially misunderstood statement.
2008-10-06 06:18 AM
2008-10-06 08:16 AM
Bier wrote:because i can't export a dwg well before, now i can.
Angus lee wrote:"i think only autocad can only dwg correctly",
Correctly for what?
At least at my relatively beginner level, I get all I need out of dwgs in AC.
As you want more features or complexity you need more sophistication in the translator and usage.
Which is probably true of all software. So hang on>>>>
It's gonna be a long strange trip............But we'll get there.