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!Restored: AC12 observations

Sam Wheatley
David Lee wrote:
I've been using AC12 for a couple of days, and here are my observations so far...

1. Advanced 2d draw options - hardware acceleration causes my text to look a bit 'rough', less anti-aliased and more 'bold' at certain zoom levels. I decided to turn off hardware acceleration for now.

2. Speed - I have a core duo (2 cores), and so far am pretty happy w/ overall speed in day to day work.

3. Favorites window - There are nice horizontal separator lines between each item in the favorites, which makes it easier to scroll through. Little but nice improvement.

4. 3d document and the 3d dimensions - really cool!

5. curtainwall tool - still exploring.

6. splash logo - like it a lot more than v11. No offense to FLW, but that image was way too boring and way too calm...

1. I see speed increases, but I'm not on a new fast computer ( speed is always a welcome addition)

2. 3D documentation is a nice addition, I will use it alot.

3. Curtain Wall - I have no use for curtain walls in my practice, but I see possibilities for this tool to be used with any repetitive item handrails, fences, framing plans as I was just informed, etc. I look forward to other users in Architalk adding to this discussion on this item.

4. text wrapping in zone stamps, a small but very useful addition, I will now use zones for room labels. I am disappointed that the zone tool did not improve its accesability to scheduling information in its dialog box. I also had hoped for 3 options in ceiling height types (actual height 9'-0", Typical, or Varies) if I new GDL I could probably do this myself.

5. Dimension tool upgrade is very nice.

6. I will continue to use 3rd party windows and doors because the current ones in AC don't allow me to stack windows as many horiz. and with transom or fixed units above, recognized as one window type such as a group of windows mulled together are one type and to be scheduled as such. (so disappointed with the current windows)

I have alot more to say - to be continued
ArchiCad 26 US

IMac Pro

iMac 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5 16 GB

NIVIDIA GeForce GT 755M 1024 MB
Geof Gainer
Matthew wrote:

As I understand it the curtain wall tool is intended as the first in a line of assembly creator/editor/manager tools...

...while I could use it to make ceilings it will still lack functions that I want in a ceiling tool and the elements will still be considered part of a "curtain wall". Hardly a BIM solution since IFC will not recognize this as a ceiling.
Wow -- starting to understand the breadth of the potential. With GS as entrenched in IFC as it is, and industry fabrication as well as design going through increasing standardization I imagine we'll see such recognition in the near future?

...shelving systems, rebar layout, solar shading...
AC fan since v 7. Currently on AC 26 Build 5003 USA FULL, and AC 28 Build 3110 USA FULL, Apple Silicon,. 2022 Mac Studio, 32G ram. MacOS Ventura 13.7
Stress Co_
Just noticed this:

Cover fills on roofs have options to "align with slope" and "distort with slope".

What's cool is the distortion for slope. Using the "fill of surface material" doesn't do it. i.e. you can graphically show a steeper roof in plan.

That wasn't there before, was it?

EDIT: Err, Yea..... nevermind, it was there in AC11
Picture 30.png
Marc Corney, Architect
Red Canoe Architecture, P. A.

Mac OS 10.15.7 (Catalina) //// Mac OS 14.5 (Sonoma)
Processor: 3.6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 //// Apple M2 Max
Memory: 48 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 //// 32 GB
Graphics: Radeon Pro 580X 8GB //// 12C CPU, 30C GPU
ArchiCAD 25 (5010 USA Full) //// ArchiCAD 27 (4030 USA Full)

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