2008-05-09 09:47 AM
2008-05-27 09:17 PM
Karl wrote:Hear, hear
2008-05-27 09:33 PM
Karl wrote:
The passion in this discussion is pretty remarkable to me.
Stefan stated the case simply. Every other manufacturer operates the same way as Graphisoft is. So, a Texas reseller might have been booted? And unauthorized information on web sites was taken down. How is this wrong or unusual?
Apple shut down a rumors site this past year as many know. IBM, Apple, Microsoft, etc. aggressively protected their intellectual rights - why shouldn't Graphisoft?
As all other manufacturers - GS has apparently provided pre-release marketing materials to resellers, so that they can prepare their web site etc in order to be ready to market on day 1 of the official release. This, too, is no different than Apple: MacMall and all Apple resellers are ready on day 1 to put up web pages selling new products. You can be guaranteed that they have had this info for some time, and know that they will not be Apple resellers any longer if they leak any of it.
So, why the screaming about Graphisoft?
M.A.D. knew better, and presumably has a financial penalty to pay for violating their contract. Who knows. But the fact that somebody violated a contract doesn't all of a sudden make all information fair game, and GS the evil demon for maintaining their established schedule.
If GS talked about 12 at AIA Boston and other venues, then unless the people listening signed an agreement, they can share what they learned here. Those under agreement cannot (legally) do so.
2008-05-27 09:40 PM
2008-05-27 09:47 PM
2008-05-27 09:57 PM
Bricklyne wrote:Bricklyne, you're a fast typist. The sheer volume of your posts may be felt like shouting to some
As for the censorship of posts on this board, I am yet to understand how someone like Oreopulous' posts ( who's not a beta-tester nor a reseller as far as I know) merited being deleted without explanation being as speculative and uninformed as they were. But maybe that's just me.
2008-05-27 10:41 PM
2008-05-28 12:19 AM
2008-05-28 12:59 AM
~/archiben wrote:......and that right there, is the key word. Buzz.
there is nothing similar in the way graphisoft and apple deal with this issue. you all seem to be forgetting that as secretive as apple are, theydotend to preview most of their new stuff weeks, even months, prior to its final release: they create a buzz. people want the product before it is even on the shelves . . .
. . .
2008-05-28 01:23 AM
2008-05-28 05:42 AM
Karl wrote:Gee, how nice for you that you can have such a cavalier attitude...
So, a Texas reseller might have been booted? And unauthorized information on web sites was taken down. How is this wrong or unusual?