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SEO Trouble

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I've used seo's many times with no problems, hiding the operators ect.
Trying a test: Subtraction of one roof piece from other main roof.

All walls have same ref line direction (on outside).
All roofs are the same, set with polyroof.
(Both the main roof (target) and the one I'm using as a operator).

As I SEO the section of roof I want gone with the operator,(all roof sections at once), on most of the target roofs it works, but others roof sections it does not.
Repeated SEO attempts do nothing to sections of roofs that failed and;

Have deleted all roofs and walls and started over to no avail.
Started a completely new .pln from AC 12 default template with all new test walls and roofs to no avail.
Built a different shaped test building and same scenario occurs over and over.

As in the image, the seo seems to have the most trouble with any two roofs that have an inside corner, or in other test building a recessed alcove which of course had three roofs that made up the alcove and neither of the three which made up two inside corners touching did the seo work.
What could be going on?

Edited; CONFIRMED; Only does NOT work when two roofs meet at inside corner. See next post with completely new file and test building which SEO FAILED.

ps Image of SEO dialog does not reflect all operators and all roofs as explained above, just how it was when I did screen capture.

BAD SEO-1.png
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Completely new file with once again roofs that have inside corner fail to SEO.
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And another completely different building that the inside corner roofs FAIL TO SEO. Yet all the other roofs of the test building seo just fine.

I haven't seen this issue. However, I have had an issue with roofs and SEO when I used the polyroof geometry method (ie. select roof tool, select polyroof geometry method, magic wand to place). Is this perchance the method you used? I notice the hipped roofs.

AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K
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Hi Erich
Yes it is.

Never even considered that because Eric uses that method in his Master Template video on how to do this operation, (and more with rafter tails),
which I was reviewing. As a completely different test than what I was doing, I opened the Master Template sample file and it failed there also.
I know it's not the Master Template sample file though as the trouble started in completely other pln of my own template, and even another file as stated in first post.
I'll check that out.

Thanks again!
Take care.
Be safe out there.
In the project where this was an issue for me, I could not get some walls to SEO to the roofs. When I rebuilt the roofs element by element there was no issue. In fact if I recall correctly, a big if, I only redid the roofs that would not behave then then had no troubles from then on.

Hopefully this helps if your case. Good luck.

AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K
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Very interesting indeed.
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Looks like you were right Erich.
I think I can confirm; it's a Polyroof BUG
SEO does not seem to be a problem
with inside corners on Polygonal roofs.
Take care.
Be safe out there.
Anybody know if this has been reported before?
Erika Epstein
wow, I just did an L and a cross -shaped building and each time I SEO the walls (target) to the roof (operator) using Subtraction with upwards extrusion, all the inside corner wall disappeared
Same results, inside corner walls disappear when subtracting with downward extrusion.

Playing around with this in AC13 the eave edge was showing as custom even though I had set the roof eave to perpendicular . When I set the eaves to perpendicular and then SEO, it works as it should.

Similar in 14 but here the roof eave showed correctly perpendicular and 90° but until I toggled the eave to another edge type and back to perpendicular it would not SEO correctly.
Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System

"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"

I am glad this helped. I am also glad to know that it is not just me.

Does anyone have any insight into why doing a polyroof would be any different than placing the roof section by section?

AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K