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Still very slow in 2D in AC10

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I just spent some time searching on and reading about users who feel 'slower' when using AC10 compared to 9. I've been fighting this for sometime, thinking it was just something I need to get used to, but I've had it. Creative can not flow if I am constantly waiting for the program to allow me to move an object, or wall, or anything.

This thread gave some good information:

But this isn't enough. Switching to a smaller screen? BAD idea. Switching to a single screen? BAD idea. Turning off features? BAD idea.

How about 'make the program faster'. Now THERE is a good idea. Seriously though - I click on an object, and I have to wait, sometimes up to 2 full seconds before the info palette has the information and I am able to move the object. If I attempt to move it before the system 'catches up with me', then I get a copy, or it moves part way, the screen refreshes and the object/wall/anything goes back to where it was.

With dimensioning, I grab my favorite and click a point, I wait maybe a second or more for that object to 'light up', then wait another 2 seconds or so for the info palette to load its data - and THEN I am able to click my next point. When trying to do ALL the dimensioning on a simple log home, it used to take a few minutes and now its well into the 10-15 minutes. This isn't right.

A better example is editing a label text. Besides just being generally slow, After having added a label, I need to change the text. So - I double click on the text - wait >1 second - the label becomes 'selected' - wait another second or more - the text editing window pops up - wait another second or more - the information palette loads data - wait another second or more - the curser now appears in the text editing window and I can begin typing/editing my text. hmmm... Thats 5 seconds or more PER label. I wish I could post a video of this - its insanely slow - nearly comical if I wasn't so frustrated with it.

I'm running a:
Dell Precision PWS470
Xeon CPU 3.40GHz
3.39 GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM
(I actually have 4 gig of RAM, but the computer doesn't seem to want to recognize the 4th stick.)

I have the latest AC10 updates.

Can anyone give me some ideas?

I'm not just a nay-sayer - AC10 (for us) is MILES ahead of AC9 in just about every way except for this 2D floor plan editing issue. We have improved productivity on a grand scale and I could NEVER go back to AC9 now.
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Matthew wrote:
... I was talking about AutoCAD users who are reluctant to learn a new way of working.
Yes - I understood - but I still don't want to fall into that category of people who blame the software instead of doing everything in their power to learn it. Hence the long run in trying to make it work before complaining. But I've done my homework, done the reading, and tried everything that I can find and alas - no good results. So I can now feel justified in complaining. :]

As a side note to this, and probably related: While in 3D, the zooming is extremely slow with the wheel mouse. Also, when I try and turn the model using the 'Orbit' option, I have things turning on and off like crazy. The 'landscape' (a mostly flat mesh) flickers constantly and many times I'll have objects appearing and disappearing all over. When I finally cancel the Orbit, it all comes back on. But when it comes to presentation for customers here at the office, it isn't very impressive. Its very similar in Perspective, but not as bad.
Srinivas wrote:
We don't want to hurt there "EGO" so we accepted saying OK your AutoCAD is strong.
Careful ... they should not lose face. Neither should you.

But, I don't have to tell you this ...

Don't tell them they are wrong - just ask what is the actual problem, and while chatting, do what they don't know how in two clicks. That will break the ice. Then onwards ...

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen