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Syringe Tool

Rakela Raul
can i setup the syringe (alt+click) tool to grab the horizontal / vertical attributes from dimensions?? if so, thx in advance.
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
I would be nice, but no, since the vertical/horizontal setting is a placement method, not a parameter. As far as I know, there is no setting to change a dimension from vertical to horizontal after it is drawn.
Tom Waltz
Rakela Raul
thanku tom
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Not applicable
It would be nice to make profiles for the syringe.

For example . Setting for each tool which methods are syringed.

So when we just adjust fonts ,font types and size, annotations in general we could load a profile syringe that would only affect fonts.

If i want to edit my doors and windows. I would have a presaved syringe profile that would not alter size direction.... but for example only frames and materials...

It would be a very flexible tool.

Your opinion?
Rakela Raul
without mentioning any other soft, i know that tool very well and
it is very useful.
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Not applicable
make a favorite for every tool setting you want.

when you want to "inject" properties into a placed object, use the favorites pallette to set your current defaults to what you want

inject the placed item.

Does that work? Just thinking off the top of my head - haven't tried it...

Weston wrote:
make a favorite for every tool setting you want.

when you want to "inject" properties into a placed object, use the favorites pallette to set your current defaults to what you want

inject the placed item.

Does that work? Just thinking off the top of my head - haven't tried it...

I think his idea was only to edit some parameters while leabing others alone. Favorites, like the syringe, apply to all parameters.
Tom Waltz
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Favorites, like the syringe, apply to all parameters.
Actually we can exclude some parameters from our favorites through the Favorite Preferences. Wish we could do the same for transferring with the eyedropper/syringe. Even better would be profiles, as mentioned by oreopoulos.

FWIW transferring attributes with the eyedropper/syringe never remembers the geometry of any element. Nor does it remember the ID, SEO's, and other non-common parameters (like the wrapped/non-wrapped checkbox state of text or the insertion point of objects). Kind of a grey area if you ask me!

In Rakela's case, if it helps, you may simply rotate the dimension chain!

Link wrote:
Favorites, like the syringe, apply to all parameters.
Actually we can exclude some parameters from our favorites through the Favorite Preferences. Wish we could do the same for transferring with the eyedropper/syringe. Even better would be profiles, as mentioned by oreopoulos.
that is kind of true. You can only include/exclude common tool parameters, like width or height, not the internal object parameters like window sill settings or door frame settings.
Tom Waltz
Rakela Raul
thx link,
im always counting how many moves it takes to perform 1 task:
in the dimensioning case u either hit the keybd or select the tool and most of the times u need to select horiz or vert and then u can start dimens'g....but if the syringe tool would take also the horiz or vert u can start dimens'g rt away..(previous syringing of existing dim)
or u can use it to do selective transfer as oreopules put it below
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16