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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.


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i am trying to be more familiar with templates , read help.. " nothing mcuh"
search formus "too much much "

from the forum i got like the full idea
but i want some kind of helpful tips , and some kind of "correct me if i am wrong"

Starting a new project "B" with a template i have saved from project "A" means:

- Pen sets from "A" " all adjustments"
- Fills from "A" " and only fills available in fills list in A"
- Complex profiles from "A" " and only complex profiles available in fills list in A"
-Line types from " A"
-zone types from " A"
-composites from " A"
-Favorites from " A"
-Work environment settings from "A" " palettes - interface - data safety - SHORTCUTS?"
-Shortcuts from "A" " i cant shortcuts"
-Layers from "A"
-Layer combinations from "A"
-Active Libraries from "A"
-NO views from "A"
-NO master layouts from "A"

mmm.. am i missing something? and if its correct that there are no VIEWS and LAYOUTS , what is the best thing to do , i've read on the forum that opening file "A" blank , then merging file "B"

any other ideas ? specially about sharing views settings , and Master layouts " i mean if a template contains layers and layer combinations , why not views?"

for sure for most of the advanced users here this question is like .. duh? this is ABC.. but not for me!! thats why i am asking

thanx in advance!! i am starting to love this forum

for sure for most of the advanced users here this question is like .. duh? this is ABC.. but not for me!! thats why i am asking

thanx in advance!! i am starting to love this forum
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mm.. forgot to mention units..

and .. mmm.. was my question that stupid!? it looks that all of you know it , and i am the only one!!
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I thought that views, layouts and masters were preserved in the template, but I haven't checked lately (I certainly hope so). I will be making some templates shortly and will try to get back to you later.
Stuart Atkinson
Views, master layouts, in fact everything you have set up in the template should be retained when saved as a template.

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OK , now it seems that a template is exactly the file!!

i mean if u have the project done , plans are there , sections,elevations , and drawings in layouts..

Save it as template , start a new one using that template, u will get the same file but named UNTITLED !!

same file , with plans and every thing...

mmm... ok this is good.. but i can't see the difference between opening the file.. and saving a template " i guess tpl are read only so we can't mess it up? is that the only difference?"

i mean in my old days yes i used to save a blank project with settings i use usually .. and every time .. open it .. save it with another new name and start working on that... so its exactly as template? " but again TPL are read only?"

SO.."sigh" basically what most of you do? ..create a project that fits your needs... after that ..delete the model ... " so you get Blank project"
and save it as template? " actually i am thinking also that i can add a fake story for legends.. its a method some one explain it before.. like samples of walls windows ..etc that we use normally so we can use it easily using that ghost story..similar to favorites.. but visual..nice stuff"..

So this is what most of you do? after finishing one- or - two projects .. you decide that this is kind of template you want to use , delete the model... add a fake standards story .. and thats it!!?

Please share your ideas.. i am trying to go further with organizing my job in ArchiCAD .. thanks

and by the way if there is any one can share some templates with me " coz i tried to search for free templates.. couldn't actually i don't want to buy.. coz i want to create mine ... i just want to have a look on what others are doing
Not applicable
When I've set up new office templates, i sort of do you what you describe (work on a few models, delete the model, keep the settings). To start with I tend to have a template file that is stored on my computer (so on one else accidentally opens it on the network and messes it up).

Then, while I'm working on other projects, when I come across something I think should be in the template (my rough rule is that if I have to change the same setting more than 3 times, it should be fixed in the template) I quickly open the template file, update it and close it again. I also get others in the office to keep a note of things they think should be standardised and update these periodically.

I've tried building templates from scratch and find that it doesn't work, you need to be working on a project to see what needs changing.

The other thing to be aware of is that, in my experience, a template is an ever evolving thing, especially in a growing office.
whatever wrote:

SO.."sigh" basically what most of you do? ..create a project that fits your needs... after that ..delete the model ... " so you get Blank project"
and save it as template? " actually i am thinking also that i can add a fake story for legends.. its a method some one explain it before.. like samples of walls windows ..etc that we use normally so we can use it easily using that ghost story..similar to favorites.. but visual..nice stuff"..
I keep a fake story for legends, modules etc... but hopefully will be able to use the worksheet tool in AC11 for this. Seems like it might be a bit smoother.
Not applicable
Good stuff my friends... good stuff..

Now the only thing i am really terrified of.. " actually now because i didn't start that yet"... is the Idea of a REAL affective layers and Pens sets , works with view sets , and print outs , that works for every thing!!

Never tried to Be organized

Always it was something like ... ok.. ooh so i have to separate interior walls to reduce size of perspective.. mm .. ok select.. create a new layer ... put it there.. hide..., printing? select the drawing..check out the colors and line weights... not ok.. no prob..check numbers of pens.. change it!! never even used like many pen sets!!

Never thought that its possible to have it organized !!

But i can Imagen the benefit.. i've been checking sample files at graphisoft site... but actually its not that organized .
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