I am having great difficulty getting my title to show up in plotmaker. First of all, I am working on archicad 9 as of a few weeks ago. Hence, my template that I am using is from archicad 8.1. It's just a project that I brought over and cleaned up and use for a template. Anyhow, when I import a drawing to plotmaker, the "standard title" is missing. What happens though is once I import, the drawing shows up titleless, and when I zoom to fit the drawing becomes a little speck at the bottom of the screen that I can only see if I go back one view. I can't even manually zoom into it. At the top of the page is something, because when I selext all, something up there gets selected but I can't see what it is or zoom into that either.... Any help out there, this is driving me crazy. I appreciate it.
Mike Britton