2017-08-2112:55 PM - last edited on 2023-05-2302:16 PM by Rubia Torres
2017-08-2112:55 PM
I have a wall that had been trimmed to a roof, I then raised then roof but the wall did not follow up with the height. I then tried the "clear all connections" option for the wall and it doesn't work, I tried it on other walls and it isn't working on them either?
Apart from trim to roof and Solid Element Operations there is also a crop option which seems to be being buried by GS. If your wall is not automatically adjusting to follow the trimming element, subject to wall height limits, then it may have been cropped. "Clear all connections" doesn't work with cropping. You need to look through the wall info bar at the top of the screen where you should find reference to "Wall cropped" highlighted and an option to undo the cropping. Note this undo option doesn't appear in the settings window.
Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)