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What is the Architectural potential of space trusses?

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At architecture faculty in my country, there is a Master degree thesis (something like a final work, a graduation work):

"Lightweight three dimensional grid load bearing structures (space trusses) and their relationship with architecture."

There were couple of other thesis too, but this one was the most interesting for me, so I decided to take this one, even I was not completely sure what is the main aim of this thesis.

I talked to my menthor and he said that I need to investigate the Architectural and engineering potential of these space trusses. I didn't quite understand him, but he said: "do a little search, then come back after the vacations". He said about a month ago. Unfortunately he is sick now (his second heart attack), and will probably be abcent from the faculty in next few weeks. I tried asking some other professors, but they said that he is the appropriate one (he is teaching at the "Constructions and Construction systems in Architecture" cathedry), and that I need to wait for him.
I did a little search, and found out that this systems are:

From the engineering point of view: light, fully prefabricated, easy to assemble and erect, light and convinient for transport, can cover of huge spans, material savers (the ammount of material spend is much less then at the continum systems) etc.

But I am a little bit confused about the Architectural potential of these structures - the main part of this thesis. After all I am studing the Architecture, not Engineering, so I need to focus myself mainly on the architectural potential of this structures.

So what is the Architectural potential of these structures? They are space forming structures - they define the shape of the buildings. They have an influence on the overall architectural expression. What else? I am starting to get scared, because I do not have a clue what I am going to write about this main part - the Architectural potential of space trusses.

Please, help. any kind of advice is valuable.
Thank you for all the answers.
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DId you take a visit to this page:
(ex MERO Systems)
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Thank you for the reply Andro. Yes I did visited this web site (it is ex Mero United States, the main one - German Mero expositure is still named Mero).

Yes some of those objects and shapes are really fascinating at Novum Structures web site.

Any other ides about "So what is the Architectural potential of these structures" please?

Thank you.
Graphisoft Alumni

The architect is the dreamer. She or he has the privilege of taking a concept and pushing it to the limits of the imagination and what may be physically possible to construct in our reality.

The engineer's job is to handle the physics to see if the architect's dream will stand up in a world of newtonian forces. I see many possibilities for this project. I think this will take you on an interesting journey.
Nicholas Cornia
Technical Support Team - GRAPHISOFT North America
ARCHICAD on Twitter
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Thank you for the reply NCornia. Can you be a little bit specific. You think I can do this thesis in a way of graphical presentation of the examples of space frames objects? The most strange ones and shape-amazing ones?
Graphisoft Alumni

Yes, either the most amazing structures that these space frames allow or perhaps how these frames may allow affordable building design vs. current design practices or perhaps how these space frames are good for a certain type of architecture such as large spaces, entryways, industrial, commercial, residential etc.

I would explore how to incorporate these frames into conventional and unconventional design. Maybe treat this as if you have been handed a box of building blocks and you are to try and be as creative with it as possible. It seems to me that the possibilities are endless. Just start drawing and see where it takes you.
Nicholas Cornia
Technical Support Team - GRAPHISOFT North America
ARCHICAD on Twitter
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They are cheaper for long span distances. But quite expencive for short spans in comparison to the classic single plane load bearing structures.
In aesthetical way, there can be no comparison - they are definitively better than other systems.

But I still do not understand on wich way I can present this survey? By just naming the difference between the space trusses and other systems?
Mark Wallace
Here's an example;

That uses 'space trusses or frames.' The original did too.

Not sure what BIM system was used to design this either,


Mark R. Wallace AIA

MacBook 2.53 Ghz, Intel Core i5, 8 Gb,
Mac OSX (Sierra 10.12.6,
ArchiCAD 22 USA Full, +21, & 20.
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thank you for the answer Mark.
But I am not searching for examples of buildings where space frames are implemented, nor information about space frames itself, and not how to write the work in meaning of the structure (methodology, orientation, materials, advantages...).

I am looking for an advise about how to write a work, named "space frames potential in architecture". What do I need to focus on? The aesthetical part? If so, then how to express it? Just by presenting the examples of the already completed buildings done with space frames?
I think the basic issue is "what are the architectural qualities that space frames can express that other building technologies cannot?" What would lead you to choose a space frame for a building you're designing rather than, say, thin-shell concrete? (Beyond just the practical considerations like cost and efficiency, which may be relevant to your discussion, too.) And I think YOU need to answer this -- this is what your architectural education is demanding that you think about and creatively express.
Richard Morrison, Architect-Interior Designer
AC26 (since AC6.0), Win10