Your post is puzzling to me.
I have some questions that, if you don't mind, I would like
you to answer so that I might help you.
What is the "Regular Sloped Mesh" option ?
I am not familiar with this. Do you mean polygonal geometry
method as opposed to the regular grid or do you mean
solid mesh versus surface with skirt or surface only ?
These are the only options I know of for the mesh tool.
You say that you have successfully built "a sloped stepped site".
Do you mean that, using the mesh tool (not the slab tool),
you have made a mesh that has sharply defined steps as
opposed to a slope defined by contour lines ?
If that is what you mean then that is a most difficult thing
to do with the mesh tool because you would have to
make pairs of contours very close together and assign
an elevation to one of them that was significantly different
than the other for each pair of contours.
It is hard for me to believe you have done this so
I need more information about how you have built your mesh.
Thank you,
Peter Devlin