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a couple of wall-related bugs . . .

un-reported yet. i'd appreciate some feedback first . . .

1. first off, parameters:
using the syringe ('pick up parameters') command in automatic walls takes everything bar the level values (top and bottom heights). should it? or is this operationally correct for automatic walls?

example: my wall height values are from 0 to +3000 ('b' and 't') . . . i go to the first floor (second floor for you guys across the pond) and syringe an auto-wall placed between +3000 and +6000. when i try to place it i get the "as a result of the last operation elements have been created on others stories..." alert. a quick check in the info box shows my wall height values never changed during the syringe operation and thus the wall is created back on the ground floor.

now, i can see that you might want this to happen in reverse - which is why i'm hesitant about reporting it as a bug - but is there a logic i'm missing in this scenario?

2. next, editing the heights of multiple walls in the 3D window:
it has been discussed previously and the bug supposedly 'fixed' (here). but it seems now that we can only stretch the heights of multiple walls in the 3D window if their reference lines all connect (i.e. form a polyline). i'm trying to stretch the heights of two unconnected parallel walls at the same time and finding i cannot!

did i speak too soon in that thread above? i'm pretty sure that this was previously possible in AC9 (but i can no longer open it to check without resorting to WIBU madness) . . . so is this still a bug?

getting kinda fed up with graphisoft's half-arsed implementation, supposed 'fixes' and constant scissors-and-cellotape workarounds built on top of flaky technology and added-on with fingers crossed . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
TomWaltz wrote:
The cool rumor I've seen circulating is that you could turn on fast user switching and switch between Windows and Mac OS... WAY better than rebooting!
that would be fantastic! something i envisioned happening with 'spaces' though . . . either iether i guess . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
I have the same problem with pick up tool

in 3D two walls on the same story with different heights let's say 200 and 300 cm. If i pick up from the 200cm wall and insert on 300cm wall...the 300cm wall it's moving to another story....
very very strange.

over and over again the same problem.

AC12 on windows XP Sp3