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disappeared Navigator

Not applicable
For some strange reasons, I am not able to open the Navigator Palette in Plotmaker. (Clicking the Navigator Icon at the bottom of the Layout window and use the SHOW/HIDE Navigator command in the Window menu. Restarting ) The palette just does not show upanywhere. Any ideas?

Mac OSx.10.3.4
Ben wrote:
For some strange reasons, I am not able to open the Navigator Palette in Plotmaker. (Clicking the Navigator Icon at the bottom of the Layout window and use the SHOW/HIDE Navigator command in the Window menu. Restarting ) The palette just does not show upanywhere. Any ideas?
have you changed your monitor resolution recently? could the nav palette be off the edge of the screen?

try re-applying one of the default work environment profiles to bring it back . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
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