It was my Vid. I laways try to make things better.. so i would be happy to get a hand-drawing of Your needs.
a swale should be situated at the deepest point and out of the garage, so that no water could rush in. It should be big enough to catch the water whats coming on. We in europe calculate a heavy rainstorm it with 300 liters per second per hektar(100*100m). - for 20 Minutes. So it depends on the open area, where int can rain in.
Our industry givs us tables which Diameter (DN) the swale should be dimensiond from the ammount of water.
What also can be important - what will follow with the water You are collecting with the swale. Do You have to pump it to a higher Level? Is it possible to let it direct into a river or so? Do You need an extra Generater to run the pumps in case of a shutdown-blackout?
AC5.5-AC27EduAut, PC-Win10, MacbookAirM1, MacbookM1Max, Win-I7+Nvidia