About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

need complex isolated columns and beams

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First i should say that i m new user and trying to find out the best way to work. Maybe start edition doesn't help me for this purpose cause i want to create isolated columns and beams (see picture) and have my lists and 3d filters correct. Is it possible or i can't without profile manager?can i only buy profile manager for SE2010 and can this solve my problems? i should mention that i use eco-designer for energy buildings and i want to design the real thing. (if i upgrade to archicad 14 can i use my projects already made?)

Snap_2010.10.25 20.04.png
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i just want to follow the building structures exactly as they are here. take a look at the picture of a typical house with external isolated columns and beams while walls have isolation in the it possible?please reply cause i have been trying many hours to create this form but i can't.
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If your start edition doesn't have complex profiles (I'm not familiar with the SE feature set) you should be able to make what you want out of pieces. I'm not clear exactly what you are trying to accomplish but it doesn't look to hard for any recent version of ArchiCAD.
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You can use Composite Walls.
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Better way to avoid termal bridges:
Walls_Grece 2.png
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nice design. it helped me to design at last what i wanted. thanks for replies. lets see now if eco design estimates the right values. thanks again
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Chris wrote:
nice design. it helped me to design at last what i wanted. thanks for replies. lets see now if eco design estimates the right values. thanks again
thermal bridge is a matter. thanks anyway andro55
Snap_2010.10.26 12.49.png