2008-10-09 04:31 AM
2008-10-09 04:44 AM
angus wrote:One is not so much better than the other - they each have entirely different purposes.
what do you usually save your archicad file as? pla? pln? which is better? why?
2008-10-09 08:18 AM
Karl wrote:angus wrote:One is not so much better than the other - they each have entirely different purposes.
what do you usually save your archicad file as? pla? pln? which is better? why?
A PLA archive is to include all related library parts and textures (etc) in a single file for moving to another machine or for archiving at the end of a project. It will be very much larger than a PLN, which should be the workaday file format - unless you have reasons to use TeamWork.