Parametric design
About Rhino & Grasshopper and PARAM-O.

Grasshopper / Rhino crashes when trying to place slab with a hole in it


I'm trying to create a script to pick up my zone geometry and then create a slab using that geometry which I have working, up until I try to create it with a hole in. When the zone / slab has a hole in (e.g for a column) everything crashes when trying to update in AC. Either I'm doing something really wrong and instead of being told by Grasshopper, it's just crashing or there's some sort of bug.

I'm on AC23 and using Rhino 6.

It also does the same thing if you do something really basic such as Slab In > Deconstruct > Slab Out as attached.

Thanks in advance
ArchiCAD 23

Windows 10
Steve Jepson
I am having problems just getting the Grasshopper to function with 23. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

ArchiCAD 25 7000 USA - Windows 10 Pro 64x - Dell 7720 64 GB 2400MHz ECC - Xeon E3 1535M v6 4.20GHz - (2) 1TB M.2 PCIe Class 50 SSD's - 17.3" UHD IPS (3840x2160) - Nvidia Quadro P5000 16GB GDDR5 - Maxwell Studio/Render Multilight 2 - Adobe Acrobat Pro - ArchiCAD 6 -25

Also having trouble getting the connection to function, follow the video exactly but won't send the polylines to rhino. Have given up! again.
Richard Wilden Design. Ltd
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Imac 27" i9 3.6GHz; 32GB Ram Mac OS 11.3
Archicad V23:V24
Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
JGoode wrote:

I'm trying to create a script to pick up my zone geometry and then create a slab using that geometry which I have working, up until I try to create it with a hole in. When the zone / slab has a hole in (e.g for a column) everything crashes when trying to update in AC. Either I'm doing something really wrong and instead of being told by Grasshopper, it's just crashing or there's some sort of bug.

I'm on AC23 and using Rhino 6.

It also does the same thing if you do something really basic such as Slab In > Deconstruct > Slab Out as attached.

Thanks in advance


Thank you very much for reporting the issue here and I am sorry about the experience!

I believe that you have reported the case to your local reseller? We had the exact same report last Friday, and we are working on it already. This seems to be a defect, but we don’t know yet whether it is a defect with the add-on or with Rhino.

As soon as we conclude the investigation, I will announce it here. Thank you once again for sharing the experience!

I wish you a great weekend!

Best regards,

Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer

Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Hi all,

To those who have connection issue, especially if there is an error message: "The Connection between Grasshopper and ArchiCAD is not running because they use different ports", although the port number is the same:

We have a couple of reports recently about the connection issue with Rhino via Grasshopper add-on. To pinpoint the problem exactly, I kindly ask you to carry out the test below:

We will use a Python script to attempt to build a wall in ARCHICAD using the same port that the Grasshopper-ARCHICAD Live Connection add-on uses. This will help us to see if the problem is on ARCHICAD's or with Rhino's side.

1. Please download the latest Python version (3.8.1) from this website:

2. Run and install Python fully (with admin rights, it is very important)

3. Open ARCHICAD and start/activate the Grasshopper-ARCHICAD Live Connection add-on. (Rhino does not need to be running, as we are only testing things from ARCHICAD’s side now).

4. Download the attached file "" (Please make sure to have it located in the Downloads folder. This is very important)

5. Open the Terminal App and type the following:

sudo python3 /Users/<username folder>/Downloads/

(<username folder> would be the user’s own username account. For example, my username folder is MNguyen so I would have it like this:
Sudo python3 /Users/Mnguyen/Downloads/

6. Once you typed this line correctly, hit enter, and if you set a password for your account, Terminal will ask you to enter the password, after that hit enter again. Please take a screenshot of the Terminal App at this stage.

By now, please check if a wall was built in ARCHICAD, and let me know of the results.

If the wall is drawn in ARCHICAD, that means the port is working, and the problem is on Rhino side, unfortunately

Best regards,

P/s: Here is the link to the script

Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer

Steve Jepson
The download you gave the link for will install a 32bit version of Python. Does that make any difference? ArchiCAD 23 and Rhino 6 SR22 are 64x.

ArchiCAD 25 7000 USA - Windows 10 Pro 64x - Dell 7720 64 GB 2400MHz ECC - Xeon E3 1535M v6 4.20GHz - (2) 1TB M.2 PCIe Class 50 SSD's - 17.3" UHD IPS (3840x2160) - Nvidia Quadro P5000 16GB GDDR5 - Maxwell Studio/Render Multilight 2 - Adobe Acrobat Pro - ArchiCAD 6 -25

Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Steve wrote:
The download you gave the link for will install a 32bit version of Python. Does that make any difference? ArchiCAD 23 and Rhino 6 SR22 are 64x.
Hi Steve,

Python does have 64bit version for both Windows and Mac.

I see you're using Windows. Here is the link to get Python 64bit executable installer:

Let me know if you're successful with the test!

Best regards,

Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer

We have recently upgraded the Grasshopper Connection from AC22 to 23 and now facing various issues. One of them is exactly as you described it. Rhino crashes when a simple Reshaping Action on a Slab is being performed - most of other scripts which have been running on the Previous Version smoothly tend now to crash more or less randomly - Performance is really an issue now.
JSN wrote:
We have recently upgraded the Livebridge from AC22 to 23 and know facing various issues. One of them is exactly as you described it. Rhino crashes when a simple Reshaping Action on a Slab is being performed - most of other scripts which have been running on the Previous Version smoothly tend now to crash more or less randomly - Performance is really an isse now.
I've been informed that it is in fact a bug that causes crashes when trying to create a slab in ArchiCAD that has a hole in it. There is currently no workaround.
ArchiCAD 23

Windows 10