Parametric design
About Rhino & Grasshopper and PARAM-O.

Setting Archicad objects to grasshopper creates a bounding box in Rhino

I'm having some difficulties with the Grasshopper-Archicad Connection, when I try to set Archicad Objects using the Object parameter.

As seen in the attachment: in the Archicad window I've placed one object, in this case a ramp.
After seting this object to grasshopper, using the proper parameter from the ARCHICAD Tab,
I ended up with a bounding box of this object in the Rhinoceros window.
How can this be solved? I would like the actual geometry of this object in Rhino.

I'm using Archicad 23, Rhinoceros 5, and Grasshopper 0.9.0076

Afaik Objects will be only transmitted simplified.
If you need the exact geometries than a Morph might be the solution for you here.

However, it would indeed be nice to have the choice how objects are sent over - maybe with another input?
Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Dear All,

Thank you very much for your question!

The object transferred through the connection can show all the details, but we disable it by default. The reason for this is due to performance reasons: in case the object is complicated, it will make the connection become very slow.

To have detailed previews in Rhino, please open the Display menu > select "Detail ARCHICAD Preview"

I hope this will answer your question. Let me know if there is anything unclear!

Best regards,

Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer

mnguyen wrote:
The object transferred through the connection can show all the details, but we disable it by default. The reason for this is due to performance reasons: in case the object is complicated, it will make the connection become very slow.

Ah, yes, totally missed this possibility. Good to know.

Nevertheless, I think it would indeed be good to have such a setting not as a global switch but e.g. as a boolean switch within the object component or an advanced setting where you can decide based on the complexity via face count if the object is being transmitted low or highly detailed.
I think it would indeed be good to have such a setting not as a global switch but e.g. as a boolean switch within the object component

I absolutely agree, something like the "3D Detail Level" in the object settings: Full / Simplified / Schematic.
Right now the global option is a switch between a bounding box (not even schematic) and the full display, am I right? | actively using: AC26-28 INT/HUN - multiple builds | Rhino6-8 latest build | macOS @ apple silicon / win10 x64
well, both global and local are compatible. I can see use cases for both.
I wasn't suggesting to remove the option - in my interpretation the original post was just asking for local settings, that's what I endorsed.

The best would be to have these settings as a global option up in the menu, with the addition of "Apply object setting". So where we have the "Detailed ARCHICAD Preview" boolean, we would get a submenu with 4 options, Full / Simplified / Schematic / Apply object setting*.

What do you think?

* I'm not sure if that's clear enough, but I hope you get the idea. | actively using: AC26-28 INT/HUN - multiple builds | Rhino6-8 latest build | macOS @ apple silicon / win10 x64