Project data & BIM
About BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.

Fill error in hotlink

Not applicable
I'm trying to resolve an error which removes background fill when I'm hotlinking a detail.
I have drawn a bunch of details in separate files and saved them as PLN (and MOD for testing purposes). Many of these details have fills with the 'Fill Pen: Background' as '(-1) Window Background'. These display properly in the original file and cover up unwanted detail behind them.
In my job file, I hotlink the drawings on to new detail sheets in the project map and suddenly I lose all the masking from the fills and I can see all the lines that were previously hidden.

I've noticed that if I place the detail on the ground floor, this problem doesn't exist. So I assume it is something to do with the detail pages I have created but can't find a solution.

Any help is appreciated.

